Birds and Bees of Delhi

Birds and Bees of Delhi

Under Construction
Started:   March 3, 2019, continued November 17, 2019

November 17

I went for a walk on Sunday afternoon to get out of the house and enjoy the lovely day.  After a week of worrisome levels of pollution, the weekend was fresh and clear.

My intention was to  identify as many birds as I could from the panel at the entrance to the Lodi Garden park.  I took photos of each bird listed, and set out to see what I could see.  There were many birds, for sure; but it was the people who caught my interest this fine Sunday.  They were out in droves, many in their "Sunday best."  Many were clearly there to have special photos taken.  There were ones and twos and threes, being directed by professional looking photographers.  There were folks providing make up, right there on the park benches.  Of course, there were many families, and I was pleased to see many young couples.  It does seem the New Delhi is quite tolerant of young love.

Here are the unsorted pictures.  I will update them asap.  Enjoy.  Remember, you can click on one photo to get the larger, scrollable view.

 Playing Bingo!

March 3

Could be NYC...
This guy should be looking up, not down.
Here comes company. 

Check back in a week or two!


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