
Showing posts from November, 2018


Thailand Under Construction Sunday, Day 1 Hua Hin, Thailand The Sea Side Restaurant was a good base for appreciating the seaside resort town 225 km southwest of Bangkok on the calm Gulf of Thailand.  Modern planning and rectilinear construction already showing signs of decay, the business of the town is strictly tourism.  Everything seems new, except for the old planks of the city's wooden wharf district. The only visible history on appeared in out of focus black and white prints of a fishing and boat building past lining the entrances to the innumerable restaurants and bars.  The fading bleakness of the salt curled photos suggests a colorless, shadowed world set under a blinding white sky. The absence of color makes the past appear bleak and hostile to the inhabitants, hot and cold at the same time; yet enormous, toothy smiles burst on the few faces that revealed any detail.  Boys plunging into the sea from rocks, wharfs, and fishing boats...