Hauz Khas
Hauz Khas South New Delhi has numerous newer upscale neighborhoods with blocks of quality apartments, without the walls and garden spaces of the opulent Chankyapuri villas, where a sizable upper middle class of business people and other professionals have collected. A number of green spaces have been preserved for the recreation and restoration of this citizenry. Relatively small and surrounded by bustling boulevards, these patches of Mother Nature barely serve their desired function, but people make the most of them. There is a surprising number of people visiting the parks each weekend, and they seem plenty cheerful. Many of the parks serve the double purpose of preserving the stunning vestiges of Delhi's long history. It has been wonderful to see these so appreciated by the local citizenry. Hauz Khas is one of the larger forested parks in New Delhi. It is comprised of the Hauz Khas Complex, Hauz Khas Village, and Deer Park. The Hauz K...